Many thanks to our outgoing President, Richard Ryder, for his 17 years of dedicated Board Member service, including 8 years as President, of the Columbia University Club of Southwest Florida.
He does not quite remember ever volunteering for this position, but was nevertheless voted in, and has been an extremely hard-working, active participant ever since, including recruiting speakers and sheperding our Club from "snail-mail" communications to email & even online payments. His wife Kay has also tirelessly & warmly welcomed guests to each event, and both have helped keep our alumni club low-key yet educational & friendly, along with previous founding Board Members and current long-serving members John Condit, Dudley Ferrari (& his wife Kathy for her lovely handwritten nametags) & Peter Schwiers.
Welcome to our already hard-working new President, J.T. Battenberg.
Richard's own photo (& amazing view) of the Naples sunset is displayed on our website's home page.